If Tickets Tout sell tickets to concerts or sports events at more than 10 per cent above the official price,they will going to be charged up to £5,000 under new laws backed by a West Midlands MP.
The reason for major crack down is touts is revealed by Ian Austin (Lab Dudley North),who buy tickets in bulk and then sell them on at a massive markup.
But according to MP Sajid Javid (Con Bromsgrove) he believes that they are providing very valuable service to the public.
He urged MPs to support “the small man or the honest ticket tout who has bought their tickets legitimately and offers them for sale, making a profit for themselves, as opposed to the corporation making those profits”.
But Mr Javid insisted: “This is about people legitimately getting hold of tickets in an honest way, and not prohibiting them from trying to sell those tickets at a profit, whatever that profit might be.
“In fact, such activity is probably an excellent example of the enterprise culture and of what a classic entrepreneur does, as long as - I emphasise this point - they get the tickets legitimately.”