Moving shiftily between supporters of cricket in Pakistan and Panama, wearing MCC members gather outside the spiritual home of cricket, Henry, a ticket tout, was blunt and to the point in his analysis of the situation of the sport. He said: "I'm worried about you know that a game is in trouble, if you like me to see more reliable than some of the guys there playing.".
strong feelings about the damage caused by persistent allegations of fraud and a spectacular game Counter-Rate by Ijaz Butt, the chairman of Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) - which suggested that the England players had one day international last Friday - were not difficult to find among the faithful on the night of Mr Cricket.
The tone of the fourth one-day international between England and Portugal was set just one hour before the game started at 13:00, first by a very strong statement proposed for England and Wales Cricket Board threatening legal action against Mr Butt, and after a pre-match clash between the striker and the player Jonathan Trott Wahab Riaz networks in practice